Film Comment Loves You
On Valentine’s Day we asked our Twitter followers that all-important question: what movie do you show a potential romantic partner to impress them, or gauge their tastes? The prize was the chance to win a signed magazine:
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Christopher Nolan | Claire Denis | Joel and Ethan Coen |
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Guy Maddin | David Cronenberg | Wes Anderson |
The response was unprecedented, a testament to the breadth of film knowledge and tastes of our readership. Even the smart-asses were pretty creative:
@FilmComment Guinea Pig: Mermaid in a Manhole.
— Nick Pinkerton (@NickPinkerton) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment PUMP UP THE VOLUME, as you do.
— Jorge I. Castillo (@jicastillo) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment The Lemon Grove Kids Meet the Monsters.
— Nick Pinkerton (@NickPinkerton) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment SNOW DOGS.
— The Doug (@douglenox) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Dead Ringers
— Kate Hagen (@thathagengrrl) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment RoboCop or Eccentricities of a Blonde-Haired Girl
— Mark Garrett (@MarkRGarrett) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Bad Timing by Nicolas Roeg
— wolfbats (@wolfbats) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Begotten by Elias E. Merhige
— James McLallen (@ThyJamesMachine) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment ENTRAILS OF A VIRGIN (Komizu, 1986)
— Will Sloan (@WillSloanEsq) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Irreversible
— Ross Miller (@rosstmiller) February 14, 2014
@filmcomment The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again
— A1 Filmmaking Advice (@A1FilmAdvice) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment show your valentine Salo
— lyndsey (@vvangoghs) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Space Balls
— citizenrobot (@citizenrobot) February 14, 2014
— Jake Pitre (@jake_pitre) February 14, 2014
Audition. RT @FilmComment: What movie do you show a potential romantic partner to impress them or gauge their tastes?
— Scott Beggs (@scottmbeggs) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment a youtube clip of Clint Eastwood talking to a chair.
— brycerichardson (@brycerichardson) February 14, 2014
Of course, some people took the challenge seriously, as evidenced by their willingness to subject their prospective dates to some nontraditional romantic fare:
@FilmComment In the Realm of the Senses. Trial by fire, baby.
— Dana Stevens (@thehighsign) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment three colours red. if it doesn't leave them stunned and speechless, they don't feel.
— Ian Robinson (@eyeswideshut75) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment certified copy, of course.
— Simran Bhalla (@smbhalla) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment In Vanda's Room
— Gonzalo Patricio (@GonzaloPatricio) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Akerman's News from Home
— G.P.Lockey (@GPLockey) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment SUPERSTAR: THE KAREN CARPENTER STORY. I don't think I'm doing this right.
— Harris Pacey (@HarrisPacey) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Blow Up
— Jesse Woodcock (@JesseRobertW) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Jealousy is my middle name, Secret Sunshine, Sassy Girl, Dil Se
— Reini Urban (@Reini_Urban) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Last Tango in Paris. [No further comment.]
— Violet (flower) (@keepingviolet) February 14, 2014
.@filmcomment i'd double feature TWO FOR THE ROAD & POSSESSION to determine if a guy or girl was my soulmate.
— Christen Valentine (@deadpandolores) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Stranger Than Paradise then The Mirror, back to back. Then! Backwards/forewards-The Shining. That should cover it.
— Picture Show (@APictureShow) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Stalker
— Marco Natoli (@natoli_marco) February 14, 2014
— Jesse Furgurson (@JesseFurgurson) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Been a long time. Nowadays I might show them Scenes from a Marriage so they understand why I won't get married.
— Provolone (@erinprovolone) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Leos Carax – Mauvais Sang
— Danny Southern (@dannysouthern) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Stolen Kisses (and the rest of the Antoine Doinel cycle)
— Kenny Suleimanagich (@kennysule) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment THE ACT OF SEEING WITH ONE'S OWN EYES (1971, Brakhage)
— Patrick Brian Smith (@PatrickBrianS) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment first movie I ever showed my first love was Elevator to the Gallows. Then Umberto D. Then W.R. Mysteries of the Organism.
— Ahmed Khawaja (@ahmedkhawaja1) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Quatre nuits d'un rêveur, Toute une nuit, Blissfully Yours & [the ending of ] City Lights.
— Keefe Murphy (@eyeshakingking_) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Holy Motors!
— Susan Warmenhoven (@Cinesuus) February 14, 2014
But what’s more serious than not sharing a sense of humor?
@FilmComment The Jerk. If someone doesn't love that movie, not only would I not date them, I'm pretty sure they'd be my sworn enemy.
— Mitch Anderson (@MitchFAnderson) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Annie Hall. Every time.
— Jon Pinon (@jonjonmp) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Bogdanovich's What's Up Doc? If you don't get screwball comedy, I don't get you.
— Tripp Burton (@TrippBurton13) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment #RaisingArizona – deal breaker if you don't love Cohen Brother's style! Plus it keeps things light, and it's about love. :]
— Daniel Gradias (@grrrdias) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
— Andrew Simpson (@Andrew_Simpson_) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment The Room. If she doesn't see why that's funny, not sure it's gonna work out!
— James Smith (@JamesSmithFilm) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment CLUELESS. Duh…
— Tracy Woodley (@TracyWoodley) February 14, 2014
Trading Places, of course. RT @FilmComment: What movie do you show a potential romantic partner to impress them or gauge their tastes?
— 香里園ウォーカー (@SighKingu) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment THE BIG LEBOWSKI – If she can go line for line, or at least not mind me doing it, she's the one. #NotIntotheWholeBrevityThing
— Harless (@HarlesstheTwit) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion (honestly)
— John Oursler (@JMOursler) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment i never done this before but i would probably use kaurismäki's leningrad cowboys go america.
— stevve (@st3vv3) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Hairspray [original]. If he doesn't laugh or want to dance afterwards, it's over.
— Rick Powell (@GenetsBastard) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment All of Dreyer. If they endure great! If not, you've separated the wheat from the chaff.
— Seth Sherwood (@sksherwos) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment The Princess Bride. Love it. Endlessly quotable.
— Sean Gallagher (@SGLovesMovies) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Milos Forman's MAN ON THE MOON (1999) w Jim Carrey. Because it's a “hidden gem,” so funny, so sweet. Don't like it? We're done.
— Sean Malin (@cinemalins) February 14, 2014
The same goes for gore. So many different kinds are out there, but do you want to share a bed with a Dario Argento, an Asia Argento, an Eli Roth, or a Wes Craven? (Figuratively speaking.)
@FilmComment The last 15 minutes of Kill List
— Justin Lerner (@justinlerner) February 14, 2014
@filmcomment THE SHINING. If they don't like The Shining, we're just not meant to be.
— Adele (@missy__m) February 14, 2014
A Clockwork Orange. MT @FilmComment What movie do you show a potential romantic partner to impress them or gauge their tastes?
— Allison O. (@Sue_DeNym08) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment During one of our first few dates, I showed my boyfriend 'Duel.' He liked it. We've been together for six years.
— Amanzig (@MediaWaltz) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Peter Jackson's Braindead.
— norman j. bates (@edogawaram) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment SUSPIRIA.
— Fernando Vallejo (@iam_fernando) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Martyrs then A Serbian Film on the second date. If they survive that combo they will never leave.
— Benjamin Vargas (@bensower) February 14, 2014
Not to be forgotten are the Classical Hollywood and New Hollywood selections—you know, for someone who gets as excited by The American Cinema and Robert Osborne’s introductions as you do. Then when the two of you get old, you can go on the TCM Classic Cruise and debate Further Research candidates together.
@FilmComment L'Atalante
— Bashline (@bashline) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment THE LADY EVE. If they're not down with Sturges (or screwball), we're not likely to make it.
— Daniel Lunsford (@peachfish42) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Night of the Hunter
— JMOYNS (@JesseMoynihan) February 14, 2014
— Kyle Turner (@TyleKurner) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Trouble in Paradise!
— Algunas Chicas (@AlgunasChicas) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment New York, New York. 1977. DeNiro. Liza. Scorsese.
— €ric Morgan (@MorganXIII) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Touch of Evil, I think. Or On the Waterfront. If you don't like either, you're gone.
— Christina (@christinalefou) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment THE END OF THE AFFAIR … which curiously never seems to work
— Victor Morton (@vjmfilms) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment The Champ, no tears no human.
— Thomas Alicante (@TomAlicante) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Definitely CITY LIGHTS. If they can appreciate a silent film, they're good in my book.
— Zoë Eckman (@hedgerows) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment The Philadelphia Story. #ckdexterhaven
— Fulmer (@Fulmer) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment The Man Who Came to Dinner, for the most delightful insults ever.
— Ms. Vazquez (@tiffbump) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Little Fugitive, if they don't find it a tearjerker, it's a no no.
— Eavan Mckay (@EavanMckay) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Original Night and the city.
— Margot and the nukes (@MargotNuclear) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Me and My Gal (Raoul Walsh, 1932)
— Thomas Prieto (@Tommy_Prieto) February 14, 2014
— Fernando F. Croce (@FernandoFCroce) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment REAR WINDOW. You don't have to love it as much as I do but if you don't at least like it there is something wrong with you.
— Phil Garcia (@atoep) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment GONE WITH THE WIND, if they make it through the whole 4 hours without pee or snack breaks, I know they're “the one”.
— Jose Solís (@josekicksass) February 14, 2014
@FilmComment Billy Wilder's THE APARTMENT. If they don't cry, they better shut up & deal.
— Martha (@earlyova) February 14, 2014
Or you could trawl other cinephilic waters with the copy/paste aesthetics of a Quentin Tarantino movie. Notably, QT has said that when it’s getting serious with a woman, he’ll show them Rio Bravo. (I guess “Spiderbaby” passed the test.)
@FilmComment Natural Born Killers
— Aaron Lazenby (@alazenby) February 14, 2014
PULP FICTION, of course. RT @FilmComment What movie do you show a potential romantic partner to impress them or gauge their tastes?
— Brynn Beardsley (@brynnbeard) February 14, 2014
And for the comprehensive romantic, there is Richard Linklater’s Before trilogy. You can more or less run predictive models about a prospective relationship based on how your partner reacts to these:
@FilmComment Before Sunset
— Michel (@michelsimoes) February 14, 2014
@mattyaustin @FilmComment i will go with before sunrise/sunset
— filmi chokara (@duggu101) February 14, 2014
Even if you’re alone on Valentine’s Day, remember: the best part about being single is getting to watch whatever you want, whenever you want!
Congratulations to our winners Adriana Floridia (@adrifloridia), James McLallen (@ThyJamesMachine), and Mitch Anderson (@MitchFAnderson). We love you! Cinema loves you.