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Aged to Perfection: Locarno 2024

Drunk in my past: this year's festival offered a feast of repertory delights, from a Columbia Pictures centenary program to an appearance by none other than Shah Rukh Khan
Read Inney Prakash's Essay

The Film Comment Podcast: Locarno 2024

Rhythm of the night: critics and programmers Inney Prakash and Cici Peng join to discuss highlights from this year's festival, including films by Maxime Jean-Baptiste, Hong Sangsoo, Wang Bing, and more
Listen to the conversation

Film Comment Live: The Rebel’s Cinema—Frantz Fanon on Screen

Join us from August 29–September 1 for a series of screenings and talks, at venues throughout New York City, focusing on the cinematic afterlives of the revolutionary writer and psychiatrist
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The Film Comment Podcast: Rep Report #3

Beach party tonight: programmers Sam Fleischner and Courtney Muller discuss this year's edition of the Rockaway Film Festival

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